Free Resources
Webinars and Training
As a communications team serving many parishes, schools, and ministries, we believe that the future of our Catholic faith is in embracing co-responsible leadership, and equipping the laity with the right tools to be “in the world” but not “of the world.”
As part of our commitment to co-responsibility, we want to help make as many resources as possible available for free, including:
Our 2022 webinar series on Social Media
Communications Planning and Media Training Basics

Social Media 101
Social Media 101 - Recorded Friday, April 1, 2022
Overview: Hosted by Katie Pesha, MBA and Patrick Powers of Powers Digital, take a deeper look at how to run ads, build campaigns, and engage with new audiences on social media as you build your shrine, parish, school or ministry's brand.

Social Media 201
Social Media 201 - Recorded Friday, May 6, 2022
Overview: Hosted by Katie Pesha, MBA and Patrick Powers of Powers Digital, take a deeper look at how to run ads, build campaigns, and engage with new audiences on social media as you build your shrine, parish, school or ministry's brand.