Happy New Year!
What’s your New Year’s resolution? Grow your team? Improve internal communication? Embrace a culture of co-responsibility?
If you’re still looking for a professional New Year’s resolution, we suggest focusing on our top 5 takeaways from the McGrath Institute for Church Life’s Church Communications Ecology Program at the University of Notre Dame.
The Church Communications Ecology Program provides a learning community in which parish leaders, communications professionals, pastors and educators develop a deeper understanding of the social and psychological effects that digital tools are having on individuals and communities.
This year, resolve to:
Be authentic and vulnerable.
Embrace co-responsibility.
Be more intentional about staffing and training.
Think like a hybrid church.
Build connections.
So, what do each of these mean exactly?
Over the next few weeks, we’ll use this six-part series, Resolve, to explore each of these concepts in a little more depth, and offer insights on how to apply them to your team.
Please plan to join me on this journey, and enjoy what our team has to offer!